
Sunday, 8 January 2012

Soups, Scooters and Shiny Sinks.....

Rachel keeps asking for carrot and coriander soup so on Friday I popped to our local farm shop and bought several pounds of carrots and some lovely fragrant fresh coriander.

 Then on Saturaday after peeling all those carrots and chopping the coriander and using one of  Jamie Oliver's recipe  I set about making some soup. It's the first time I've made anything of his (I know where have I been - not in the kitchen obviously!) but it was a nice simple recipe and I what I loved most was because it was on line lots of people had left useful comments on it, so I added potato because I like a thick soup, was careful not to add too much stock and threw in the chopped coriander, stalks and all, to give it a bit of a kick.

The result, a really easy to make and very tasty soup, mine came out darker and greener than the photo on the website but its was very yummy. The only downside was Paul said his portion was too small, well you can't win them all can you. Not content with making one soup I made two on Saturday, simultaneously too, woo get me!
I also make a mean broccoli and stilton soup, if I do say so myself, so armed with a huge lump of leftover stilton and some fresh broccoli I got to work, stirring and simmering and blending. I try to make double the amount so that I can freeze some but as this is quite popular in our house (even Tomas likes it) it never seems to last very long. 
We did eat some of the soup(s) but thankfully there was enough leftover for another day.

It's not been all aprons and dirty dishes here this weekend, we managed a little fresh air too and took the kids scooters out for a, well, scoot!

Rachel and I also took our cameras with us and managed to take some photos for the scavenger hunt.
We also met a very friendly cat at the end of our lane, I think Tomas wanted to bring him home. 

As for the shiny sinks, well I have to say that I was quite sceptical and a wee bit tongue in cheek when I signed up to the Flylady but I have to say that keeping a shiny sink does make a BIG difference, my kitchen is definitely a lot tidier, and as the hub of the house of five it does take some bashing, but each night I have made sure that not only is my sink shiny but all the sides are nice and clear, it's so lovely to come down to in the morning. I'm not quite there with all my babysteps and need to sort my control journal, but I'm seem to be on the right track and its seems to have progressed to the lounge too. No more papers left lying around or toys on the floor just a nice tidy room at bedtime. I am hoping that I can keep this up and that it gives me more time to craft....talking of crafting now that the christmas decorations are packed away and the house is tidy(er) I really want to make a start in my craft room and getting some crafting done but what to make first???? perhaps I should pop over to pinterest!!! No seriously I have a long list of " I want to make"s and I'm going to try really hard just to use what I have in my craft room and not buy any more fabric, wool, buttons etc. We'll see how long that lasts shall we!!!
Hope you all had a lovely weekend.


  1. Well done you!
    I love carrot and coriander soup but, although I love stilton and broccoli, cannot eat the soup!
    I love a good homemade veg and chicken or veg stew/soup too.

    Good luck on the crafty makes, sounds like you're on a roll.

    Sandie xx

  2. I absolutely love home-made soup, my own personal favourite is a concoction of sweet potato, carrots and lentils with a bit of seasoning, leek and potato is my second favourite, and aas there is now only the two of us at home most of the time, I generally have a few portions squirrelled away in the freezer.
    I shall look forward to checking out your shiny sink later in the year.
    Happy crafting.
    Joy xx

  3. Remember not to flylady everywhere - you might need a Mess for one of the photo hunt headings ;)

    I think I need to start the shiny sink think again - made the morning much easier.

  4. The kitchen sink thng, like with any habit it will continue, I started tidying the lounge every night last year before reading about Flylady and it works!
    I must start to get back into crafting otherwise it will be one mad rush for me when it come to a fair I want to do!
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  5. I love homemade soup and make at least 4 a week - because I am a domestic goddess I think! lol! I do it in my slow cooker otherwise I forget about it and burn out the pan!

    Pinterest - don't do it! I find I waste hours on it!

  6. Did you get orange fingers from all the carrot peeling and chopping?
    I steer clear of flylady - sounds like too much cleaning!

  7. I had a go with Fly Lady once and agree a clean kitchen sink does wonders for your ego but I make sure that I do daily tidies plus one more larger household chore and then that's enough for me. The kitchen sink is used daily so it doesn't stay shiny for long! Your soup looks delish.
    Love from Mum

  8. Thanks for the recommendation to check out FlyLady, I did and now have a shiny sink! You have a mention on my Clutter blog on Wed too xxx


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on my blog and I will try to answer as many as I can. thanks Tracy