
Friday, 3 May 2013

Somehow or another Rachel turned 15 on Wednesday

 and one of her presents was this DWEEB crop top

 (don't ask but apparently that or NERD and GEEK are the things to have written on your top) 
the only thing was she didn't have a skirt to wear with it for youth club this Friday so who does she ask to help her out in this fashion dilemma - good old mum!!!

Rachel : "MUUUMMMM!!! can you make me a black skirt by Friday??"

Me : Let's look on pinterest, do you like this one???

Rachel : Yes!

Luckily Paul and I popped into town on Thursday to

A) order me some new glasses and 

B) to pick up some bits and bobs from the haberdashery stall on the market

which meant I could get some 4" black elastic which I needed for the waistband.
I already had some black fabric so it was just a case of using my brain to calculate the radius (as per the tutorial) of the skirt which turned out to be as easy as pi (sorry I couldn't resist!)

One pattern was made, one skirt was cut and then today all I had to do was make the elastic waist band, serge the edges of the circles, attach the skirt to the elastic and sew the hem!!! EASY!!!

and I have to say it was one of the easiest things I have made in a long time

although this does mean i have had a request for more skirts! 

Now where did I pin that tutorial on dyeing elastic?????


  1. That's lovely, I'm not surprised that she loves it and would like more xx

  2. That skirt is gorgeous.
    Julie xxxxxxx

  3. Ha Ha, I remember me asking my Mum to make a circle skirt for me for a school disco, many moons ago!! And she made one for me during the day, as have you!! Well done, it looks fab!!

  4. Happy Birthday Rachel, I think us girls love a swirly skirt x

  5. great skirt. Great that you can just run one up like that - very clever!

  6. Time flies Tracy ... my grand-daughter will be 13 in November and like you I ask when did that happen a minute ago she was just a little dot!!!
    Looks as if Rachel is thoroughly pleased with her skirt....what is it about a swirly skirt that we love :-)

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  7. How lovely to have a mum that can just whip a skirt up at a moments notice! Clever you! Where does the time go. I am trying my hardest to keep my youngest to stay little! Karen x

  8. You clever little thing :) It looks fab, no wonder there have been requests for more skirts :) x x x x

  9. Wow! You made that sound so easy! Looks great! I bet Jenny would like one like that...i'd better get cracking xxxxxx


I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on my blog and I will try to answer as many as I can. thanks Tracy