
Thursday, 3 December 2015

Advent Day 3

Tomas looks so cute in his Elf Slippers and Santa Hat that I just couldn't resist a photo of them, he has become a little camera shy these days but hopefully I might be able to share a pic or two of him in them before Christmas Day!

Day 3 of Brenda's Restoring your Joy of Christmas is all about "laughing out loud" and Tomas certainly makes me laugh in these slippers and hat.  


  1. Oh my! Tomas is a cutey! With his beautiful red hair, I bet he looks a treat!x

  2. You will just have to sneak up on him and take a photo from behind........
    Julie xxxxxxx

    1. I think you could be right Julie or maybe some bribery in the form of chocolate!!!

  3. Adorable. I also spot a little train track there, eeekkkk. I've told James I'd like a train track around our tree, he used to love trains as a kid so I think secretly he was rather pleased with this thought x x x

    1. This is Tomas’ train set but I do have my eye on the santa train set in Argos!!!

      I bet James would love one too!!!

  4. They look gorgeous, hope you manage a photo of him in them :)


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