Monica from
MyFunnyBunny is holding a Mother & Baby Mega Giveaway
This is what it says on her blog -
"To celebrate the birth of my baby girl
Mylie I am hosting a gigantic give away!!!It will also mark put us back on track after our "give away holiday" because of moving and the birth.We are collaborating with many other companies &
crafters to bring you the biggest give away ever!!! So if you want to enter, keep checking our blog for updates!We will be posting the items that are to be included as they arrive!!"
So I decided to make a nappy holder in this really cute retro baby fabric and even tried out the button
holer on my latest sewing machine! I took the photos before I did the button hole but it went like a dream and I added a large white button.

There's plenty of room for two nappies and a pack of travel wipes and a couple of nappy bags too! And it could even be used later on when you need to carry spare pairs of knickers and pants for those "Mum, I can't wait any longer!" "oops I did it!" moments.
Obviously with a workshop full of fabric (and I mean bursting at the seams full!) you can choose your own fabric design colour etc and it doesn't have to have a baby theme, if you would like your very own nappy pouch then please just contact me at they cost £5.95 plus p&p.
And don't forget to follow
Monica's Blog to take part in the Mother & Baby Mega Giveaway when it starts!