That's it I'm finally halloweened out...we've had two nights of Halloween fun which has been great but boy am I tired!!!!
On Friday we went to a friends house where she put on a Halloween Party, there were about 15 kids there plus mums and Ruth had decorated her house all spooky, the kids played bobbing for apples and got completely soaked Rachel washed off all her facepaints and Jack got his Scooby nose all wet (which we said was the sign of a healthy dog!!).

I took along a feely box which went down well we had eyeballs, intestines, dead flies, a witches hand, rats and spiders and eyeball sockets.....
which were really......

Then it was onto doughnut eating (no hands) very sticky and lots of fun and then food and dancing finally managed to drag the kids away and then it was all go again tonight..we thought we were going to be rained off but it was really mild out...
We live on a very dark lane so it was really spooky and I think we may have been a bit too scary
as a few people didn't answer the door, but we did managed to meet up with some other neighbours and the kids merrily trick or treated and I took along the feely box and got everyone to have a go!!!

So now everyone is in bed and I'm catching up online with a cuppa!!!
Lots to do next week as the kids are back in school...half term what half term!!!