Monday, 29 April 2013

It takes two......

Thank you for all your lovely comments about Tomas' first day at school, sorry I haven't had time to reply. I do love reading your comments so keep 'em coming!
With a change of school has come those rushing around jobs of buying forgotten bits and prices needed for the new term. Swimming is on the agenda during the summer and because the pool is outdoors the children need a towelling robe to wear from the classroom to the pool and back again. But it would seem we all like snugly warm fleece dressing gowns for our children and I was struggling to find a towelling one anywhere. After a day of searching and not finding anything suitable I decided that I would have to make one so I bought two beach towels, nice a light weight but soft and snuggly.

I searched the Internet to see if there were any tutorials and find one that sort of described what I needed to do but it was a little vague in places??? I wanted to make it nice and simple so it was basically rectangles for everything. I used a fleece dressing gown as a size guide and got cutting. I wanted the stripes to match so used one towel for the back and the other for the fronts. The sleeves are exactly the same too, slightly anal I know but I cant help it! The collar and the front facings were the most vague on the tutorial and I think if I made another one then I would adapt these a little but the finished robe was quite a triumph I think!

Tomas seemed to like it and it did a great job keeping him warm and drying him off on his walk across the school grounds. The kit needed for swimming also meant that a bog standard swimming bag was going to be too small so after choosing some fab tropical fish fabric I made a personalised extra large swimming bag too. I arrived at school this afternoon to one delighted if not tired little boy who had thoroughly enjoyed his swimming lesson and whose swimming bag was almost as big as he was!

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Wednesday, 24 April 2013

A new start.........

Tomas started at his new school today

and I'm not sure who was more nervous, both Paul and I had butterflies this morning and Tomas had a little wobble when we arrived but was soon back to his happy self.
So today will be a waiting game, I can't wait until 3.15 to find out how he got on.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Charity shop buys

I've been a bit quiet again, the Easter holidays kept me busy and with Tomas changing schools and Rachel being away this seems to have left me with no time to craft or blog! But now Rachel is safely home and Tomas starts school next week so things should return to "normal" very soon!
Today I managed a few child free hours in town, picking up new school uniform and visiting the charity shops. This is what I managed to find....

Rowan cotton glacé all for £2 not sure what I'm going to make but I seem drawn to all things grey at the moment, any ideas would be gratefully received!

This fab breakfast set for £5.25, I have been using on of Tomas' china soldiers for my egg but now I will feel more grown up whilst I dip!

I'm always on the look out for clothes for the kids but Rachel seems to fair better than the boys for some reason, does anyone else find this too? I spied this pretty dusky pink netted dress on the bargain rail it was only £3.50 and the belt was 50p. She was very pleased when she got home from her school trip. I also found some pretty picture frames but Tomas nabbed one of them for a present for Rachel so I didn't get a chance to take any photographs.
Unfortunately the fabric shop is also in the same road as the school shop and the charity shops and it would be rude not to go in and say hello. I was very good though and only bought two metres of fabric for some personalised swim bags I am making for a friends twin girls. Bright purple and pink were the order of the day and these were definitely bright.
Not a bad days shopping I think, it's back to tidying up my workroom tomorrow as in my attempt to tidy up I seem to have made things worse!!
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Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Spring Bouquet Swap

Thanks for all your lovely comments on the bag I made for Andrea, in this post I will show you what Andrea sent to me as part of the Spring Bouquet Swap organised by Betty the Wood Fairy.
Pretty packages....

Cute cotton coasters

in spring colours....

A very pretty potholder, this is far too pretty to use as a pot holder and will be put on display in my workroom.

A close up of the pretty centrepiece.

Creative cards ready to use for pen pals and swaps.

Easter ribbons and a bit of CK writing paper.

All of my wonderful goodies together.

Another glimpse of my coasters, which andrea has assured me wash up beautifully and therefore I can put my mug if tea on them!

For those of you that haven't been over to Andrea's blog yet here is a close up of her gorgeous work. How pretty is that edging!

I've really enjoyed this swap and the wonderful goodies that Andrea sent me, teamed with the fact that spring is just around the corner (please Mother Nature!) my days are much brighter!! Thank you to Andrea for being a brilliant swap partner and to Betty the Wood Fairy for organising another excellent swap!

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