Hi everyone I seem to have had a little blip on the blogging front these past two weeks and I kept finding the longer I left it the less I had to say, (for those of you that know me you'll find that hard to understand!!) but now I'm back and I have some photo's to show you of one of my March Monthly Makes.

We have this lovely old leaded light window in the hall which only has a small narrow space to put anything as the front door opens on to it.
The window has been hidden behind plastic boxes full of books for the past few months whislt we refurbished the kitchen and I have been on the hunt for a small bookcase to fill the space but because of the size I couldn't find anything to fit. I looked into having a pine bookcase made and the quote was around £250 and I wasn't even sure I wanted pine anyhow!!
As I drove past one of our local charity shop recently I saw this dark wood bookcase that I thought might just fit, so in I went and measured up and yes! it was the perfect size. I ummed and ahhed for a few days as I wasn't sure if I could transform it, but then I thought why not have a go and see what it turns out like!!
So here it is in its just bought from the charity shop state....

And here it is after a lick of paint
(well a coat of undercoat/primer and several coats of Fired Earths VERDIGRIS)

I initally had the idea of papering the back panels with some Cath Kidston papers as I saw that someone on Ebay sold it by the metre but then I remebered that I had seen a magazine at the Co-Op which had some free vintage/shabby chic papers with it and so I bought it and used those to make a patchwork effect.