That's last Tuesday not tomorrow - there's no way that I'm that efficient....
Every Tuesday (well almost!) I have a Tuesday Night Sew In with my partner in crime Ruth,
this was the inspiration for our first project.

It's been a major learning curve as neither of us have hexagonal quilted before and rather therapeutic too.
I have embarrassed my kids on several occasions by taking my tin of hexagons out in public.
This has been a work in progress for several weeks and sometimes more chatting occurs than sewing but last week we were on the homeward stretch (well Ruth was as I had forgot to make my hexagon flower).
Every Tuesday (well almost!) I have a Tuesday Night Sew In with my partner in crime Ruth,
this was the inspiration for our first project.

It's been a major learning curve as neither of us have hexagonal quilted before and rather therapeutic too.
I have embarrassed my kids on several occasions by taking my tin of hexagons out in public.
This has been a work in progress for several weeks and sometimes more chatting occurs than sewing but last week we were on the homeward stretch (well Ruth was as I had forgot to make my hexagon flower).
My work is on the left and Ruth's is on the right |
Because I hadn't finished my flower we made a start on sewing Ruth's cushion together.
how fab is that!
Not wanting to hold up starting on our next project I got to work making my hexagon flower and finished off my cushion too.
Here it is on the chair in the porch - now you can see why I went with a different colour scheme.
I did have a slight panic when in the final throe's of stuffing my cushion one of the patchwork squares frayed (I should have realised when I cut it that it would fray quite easily and used a wider seam but then hindsight is a wonderful thing) I managed to salvage this mishap with lots of awkward hand sewing. Phew!
I think Ruth and I are both very pleased with our cushions (I know I am)and have learnt lots by completing this project, we are now thinking about the next one and are hoping to find a Halloween themed something on the wonderful waste of time that is Pinterest!!!!