Firstly I just wanted to say thank you for all your kind comments regarding the fabric notebook covers that I made and does anyone know if there is an easy way to respond to individual comments?
Well Week 1 of Operation Summer Holidays is over and we have tried to make the most of our time, although now I'm struggling to remember what we have been up to (it's an age/Tompom thing!!)
I think it's probably better if I work backwards because at least I can remember what we did today....

Thursday saw us take a walk in our local country park, this was supposed to be an organised meet up with friends but as I'd left the organizing a little late everyone was busy so we went on our own. It took the older two a little while to get to grips with the idea that it was just them, Tompom and me but after we got over the initial "how boring!!" stage we had a lovely time to the point that when I eventually found them, they'd gone off exploring leaving Tompom and me to our own devices, that they didn't want to go home.
We were also in luck with the ducks, as on previous visits they've been a little full and not wanted our bread, but on this occasion they were even taking it from our fingers, although the swan hissed a bit if you got too close!!!
Left to our own devices Tompom and I played peek a boo!!!

I even managed to take this fab picture (if I don't say so myself!) of this bee buzzing off for more nectar.
I also saw this sign and was just wondering if the wall had been offered any form of counselling to help it with its unstable state...
Wednesday we had a rest, although when I say a rest we did move the sauna from upstairs to the garage, put up some shelves and had the electrician in to put in a new consumer unit!!
Tuesday we popped to my Nan's for a visit and to pick up some foldaway bikes that she said the kids could have, one is in working order the other needs a little TLC to get it roadworthy but the kids have had a whale of a time and Rachel had decided she likes old (I say vintage) things and doesn't want to change anything on her new bike....
Well I think you get the gist of what has been a busy first week of the holidays, I just hope I can keep it up...
I promise that the next blog posts are entirely craft related as I had received some lovely swaps parcels in the post and can't wait to share them with you all, so until then I shall say goodnight as I need to recharge my batteries for week 2 of Operation Summer Holidays....
P.S Jack's just reminded me to tell you all about his terrifying attack by a swarm of wasps, and also that he fell off his bike! hopefully this will be the end of any injuries and we can get through the summer holidays without anymore incidents.