Boy what a week, I'm not really sure whether I'm coming or going at the moment but I feel really bad as I haven't blogged since last Saturday and although I have had the odd few minutes to see what everyone else has been up to I haven't had a chance to blog myself. Most of you will remember from my previous posts that I was hoping to redecorate Rachel's room whilst she was in France for four days, plenty of time to paint the walls, I had just forgotten that having a toddler means that you in fact only get two maybe three hours of painting time each day. And once I had opened the tins of paint I well and truly fell in and have only just managed to escape....
So here is the story of my week, I will try to keep it short....
Sunday 23rd
Still painting, Rachel arrived back from France happy but tired with a suitcase full of washing and lots of pressies for everyone. I was so tired by the end of the day I forgot to post my Crafty Sunday doings... these would have to be Jean Pierre and France Notebook for Rachel's trip.
Monday 24th
Still painting, Rachel went back to school today sat a maths test and came second in her class and was made captain of the rounders team for this weeks match her happiness was short lived as when she came home after school she checked her guinea pigs and promptly burst into tears as one of her new ones had died, she was inconsolable, Tompom didn't help by pretend crying with her!!! Now every time you ask him about RoRo and her guinea pigs he does this shocked face followed by pretend crying, there's sympathy for you.
Today I was supposed to have given the name of the Pay It Forward receiver but again I was so tired by the end of the day I didn't mange to blog so my apologies but I placed all the names in the paint tray ( I felt that this was only fair as it was the paint's fault for my not blogging earlier)and Maria is the lucky recipient. Now Maria I know I said I would send it by the end of the month but that was before this marathon painting session so if it's okay with you I will send it out in the next two weeks.
Tuesday 25th
Still painting, but did manage to take Tompom to toddler group this morning. Paul popped back to the garden centre to buy Rachel a new guinea pig, she's called Betty. Ben the builder called in to discuss plans for next weeks knock through (from the kitchen to Rachel's old bedroom).
Wednesday 26th
Still painting, not much else happened today so I thought I would mention my Fabric Swap goodies that I received from Gemma over at Little Gem's World. I actually got these on the 20th and Gemma is being really patient as I still haven't sent hers yet but they will be in the post on Tuesday (I promise) now my painting is finished. Here's what Gemma sent....
Thursday 27th
I finally finished painting today, I feel like I've been painting forever and finished off the last of the glossing at 10pm. I received a surprise package in the post today - my Flower Swap Goodies from Kate at Sewpatchwork . Kate had had some family issues that had meant she wasn't able to send out my parcel and as I hadn't heard from her I thought that I probably wouldn't receive anything but I did and it was lovely and such a surprise, so thank you Kate and I hope that you and your family are well. This is what I received.....
Flowery patchwork squares, ready to quilt and some lovely ribbons
Flowery pegs far too nice for my washing line as I have a tendency to leave my pegs out in all weathers so I will find a far prettier use for them..
A make-up bag, I love the black background and the roses on this.
Handmade lavender bag
This pretty pink purse containing some lip balm which I purposefully haven't shown Rachel as they would be in her room in no time..
Packets of seeds, I think I will leave these to Paul as he is the Monty Don in our family...
And here it all is before I ripped off all the packaging....
Friday 28th
Jack woke up at 5.30 with a tummy ache so had the day off school, Paul and I manged to get the furniture back into Rachel's room. It's funny as all along she's been saying she would like new furniture in her room but now it's all in she wants to keep it... here are some before and after shots of all our hard work...Before the dining room....
After the marathon painting session that went on and on and on....
This photo's a little dark because of the window and as you can see we haven't got curtains and finishing touches yet but Rachel loves her new room and I'm just glad it's finished, only another five rooms to go!!!!
Box fun - here are just a couple of pictures of the kids enjoying playing with one of the boxes that I am using to pack away the kitchen in time for the knock through...I think looking at the address on the box the novelty of having a baby brother is starting to wear off!!!

Unfortunately Friday didn't end well for me, we decided to have fish and chips as we had been rushing around all day and Rachel goes to a youth club on a Friday and after we had eaten we were still humping and dumping furniture from one room to another and I started feeling a little queasy, but I put it down to all the bending and carrying we were doing. But as the evening wore on I started to feel more queasy and I was absolutely shattered but I daren't lay down on the sofa for fear of falling asleep and forgetting to pick up Rachel from youth club. Paul did offer to go but I thought the fresh air would do me good. Driving up I was fine and I picked her up and we started to drive home when I came over feeling really sick, I kept looking for somewhere to pull over but we were on a road full of houses so I drove a little further till I got to the BT building and jumped out of the car, rushed over to the bushes and threw up, it was not pretty, or dignified and embarrassingly one of my friend's husbands was walking his dog and saw me kneeling on the floor throwing up in the bushes. He came over to ask if I was okay to which I answered by throwing up again. Needless to say I spent the rest of evening feeling awful and threw up again during the night and I was so tired I didn't think I would be able to have the energy to make it to the bathroom...
Saturday 29th
Still feeling rough this morning and I daren't eat anything, but we have managed to sort out more of the junk from Rachel's old room, I didn't want to fill up her new room with stuff that she doesn't need, want use etc... The boys went to the woods to check on a den that Jack had built as part of his school trip, whilst Rachel and I stayed and sorted.
It has rained most of this afternoon and everyone has been feeling a little bored, lazy, tired, bored and more bored, but I am now feeling much better and thought it was about time i posted this blog, I bet you're glad I said that as this has turned into a marathon post. I just thought I would leave with a picture of Tompom that sums up how I feel about painting and feeling ill