I just wanted to say a BIG thank you to everyone that left a comment on my blog about "Comment Etiquette".
I really appreciated all your input and I've learnt a few new blog tricks along the way too....
I really appreciated all your input and I've learnt a few new blog tricks along the way too....
- I didn't have my comments section set to receive emails when someone leaves a comment - now I do and it means that you can reply directly from your inbox to any comments left rather than going to the blog and clicking on the contact button. So much easier!!! How to : go to your DASHBOARD, click on SETTINGS, click on the COMMENTS tab, scroll right to the bottom and it says COMMENT NOTIFICATION EMAIL, just pop in the email address to which you'd like to receive your notification, and when someone now leaves a comment you get an email and to which you can reply direct.
- Comment Form Message - again in the comments tab, - I haven't written anything in mine still trying to think of something witty and original (could be waiting sometime) may have to resort to a bit of plagiarism from some of the more talented bloggers out there!!!.
Finally I've realised that there's no right or wrong way when it comes to blogging and you can be as involved with blogging as you want to be......now I must be off as I'm running behind already this week and have lots of replies/posts/crafty things/housework (perhaps not the housework!!) to do!!!!!